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Strong As Steel, FlexibleAs Rubber

Superelastic NiTinol Offers You Excellent Flexibility and Strength


Bracelet Bottom Support

Design in Every Size

Steel Supporters Used Inside Bracelets Will Loosen And Deform Over Time. NiTinol, which is 10 times more durable and flexible than steel, provides lifetime support to your products.

Image by Sabrianna

Increase Strength

Flattened NITinol Superelastic Wires are Produced with Exact Size Molds and Provide Perfect Fit and Support to Your Products.


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Flattened NITinol Superelastic Wires are Produced with Exact Size Molds and Provide Perfect Fit and Support to Your Products.


Full Size Production

Increase Strength

NiTi Bileklik 6.jpg

Hafızalı Metal ile Kuralları Esnetin

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